The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls
raptor research The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls Welcome Discussion Groups Publications Conservation Studies on Raptors (1985) Birds of Prey Bulletin No. 3 (1986) Raptors in the Modern World (1989) Raptor Conservation Today (1994) Eagle Studies (1996) Holartic Birds of Prey (1998) Raptors at Risk (2000) Raptors Worldwide (2004) Conferences Resolutions Contact Impressum [in German]

W.W.G.B.P. The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owl
Weltarbeitsgruppe für Greifvögel und Eulen e.V.
Groupe de Travail Mondial sur les Rapaces

Book: Birds of Prey Bulletin 4 (1991)

Birds of Prey Bulletin 4 (1991): Download of articles

Content - Inhalt - Sommaire Download

Mizera T & Szymkiew M (1991):
Trends, Status and Management of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Poland.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 1-10 Download

Duckett JE (1991):
Management of the barn Owl (Tyto Alba Javanica) as a Predator of Rats in Oil Palm (Elaeis Quineensis) Plantations in Malaysia.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 11-24 Download

Carrillo J & Delgado G (1991):
Threats to and Conservationist Aspects of Birds of Prey in the Canary Islands.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 25-32 Download

van Balen S (1991):
The Java Hawk Eagle Spizaetus Bartelsi. WWGBP Project Report No.l, March 1990.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 33-40 Download

Kirmse W & Kleinstäuber G (1991):
Rückkehr des Wanderfalken ins europäische Baumbrüterareal aus eigener Kraft.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 41-50 Download

Xiao-Ti Y (1991):
Distribution and Status of the Cinereous Vulture Aegypius Monachus in China.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 51-56 Download

Bergier P & Badan O (1991):
Evaluation of some Breeding Parameters in a Population of Eagle Owls Bubo Bubo in Provence (South Eastern France).
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 57-62 Download

Fiuczynski D (1991):
Feinddruck und Nistplatzangebot als limitierende Faktoren für Siedlungsdichte und Bruterfolg beim Baumfalken (Falco Subbuteo).
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 63-72 Download

Bijlsma RG (1991):
Migration of Raptors and Demoiselle Cranes over Central Nepal.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 73-80 Download

Clinton-Eitniear J (1991):
The Solitary Eagle Harpyhaliaetus Solitaries. A new Threatened Species.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 81-86 Download

Müller T & Rohde C (1991):
Bestandssituation des Baumfalken (Falco Subbuteo) im Donaudelta (Rumänien).
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 87-96 Download

Wotzkow C & Garrido O (1991):
On the Nidification of the Cuban Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Accipiter Striatus Fringilloides.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 97-100 Download

Grubac RB (1991):
Status & Biology of the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus Barbatus Aureus in Macedonia.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 101-118 Download

Baumgart W (1991):
Gegenwärtiger Status und Gefährdungsgrad von Greifvögeln und Eulen in Syrien.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 119-132 Download

Csermely D, Mainardi D & Agostini N (1991):
Predatory Behaviour in Captive Wild Buzzards (Buteo Buteo). Birds of
Prey Bulletin No 4, p 133-142 Download

Meyburg BU & Pielowski Z (1991):
Cainism in the Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila Clanga.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 143-148 Download

Génot JC (1991):
Statut des Rapaces dans le Parc Naturel Regional des Vosges du Nord.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 149-154 Download

Bijlsma RG (1991):
Replacement of Mates in a Persecuted Population of Goshawks Aceipiter gentilis.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 155-158 Download

Xiao-Ti Y & De L (1991):
Past & Future Study of Birds of Prey and Owls in China.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 159-166 Download

Lander E, Lopez J, Diaz C & Colmenares M (1991):
Population Biology of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in Guarico Stat, Venezuela.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 167-174 Download

Brazil MA & Hanawa S (1991):
The Status and Distribution of Diurnal Raptors in Japan.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 175-238 Download

Giordano A (1991):
The Migration of Birds of Prey and Storks in the Straits of Messina.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 239-250 Download

Meyburg BU & Meyburg C (1991):
Cabaneros: A Conservation Success for Raptors in Spain.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 251-254 Download

Meyburg BU & Meyburg C (1991):
Acquisition of Adult Plumage in the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila (heliaea) adalberti.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 255-258 Download

Pcola � (1991):
Eine Bodenbrut des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 259-264 Download

Reistetter R (1991):
Eine Felsenbrut des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 265-270 Download

Wotzkow C (1991):
New Subspecies of Gundlach"s Hawk Accipiter gun. Birds of
Prey Bulletin No 4, p 271-292 Download

Nankinov D, Stoyanov G, Kouzmanov G, Todorov R (1991):
Informations sur la Situation des Rapaces Diurnes en Bulgarie.
Birds of Prey Bulletin No 4, p 293-302 Download

Raptor research
Raptor research