The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls
raptor research The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls Welcome Discussion Groups Publications Conservation Studies on Raptors (1985) Birds of Prey Bulletin No. 3 (1986) Raptors in the Modern World (1989) Birds of Prey Bulletin No. 4 (1991) Raptor Conservation Today (1994) Holartic Birds of Prey (1998) Raptors at Risk (2000) Raptors Worldwide (2004) Conferences Resolutions Contact Impressum [in German]

W.W.G.B.P. The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owl
Weltarbeitsgruppe für Greifvögel und Eulen e.V.
Groupe de Travail Mondial sur les Rapaces

Book: Eagle Studies (1996)

Eagle Studies (1996): Download of articles

Content - Inhalt - Sommaire Download

Preface Download

Seibold I, Helbig AJ, Meyburg BU, Negro JJ & Wink M (1996):
Genetic Differentiation and Molecular Phylogeny of European Aquila Eagles according to cytochrome b Nucleotide Sequences.
Eagle Studies, p 1-16 Download

Hauff P (1996):
Der Fischadler Pandion haliaetus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
English summary: The Osprey Pandion haliaetus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany).
Eagle Studies, p 17-22 Download

Mizera T & Szymkiewicz M (1996):
The Present Status of the Osprey Pandion haliaetus in Poland.
Eagle Studies, p 23-33 Download

Tishechkin AK (1996):
The Osprey Pandion haliaetus in Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, Belarus.
Eagle Studies, p 35-38 Download

Hauff P (1996):
Gedanken zur Störungsbiologie am Beispiel des Seeadlers Haliaeetus albicilla.
English summary: On the Influence of Negative Factors as exemplified by the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla.
Eagle Studies, p 39-46 Download

Ganusevich S (1996):
The White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Kola Peninsula.
Eagle Studies, p 47-50 Download

Randla T & Tammur E (1996):
The White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Population and Breeding Productivity in Estonia and some regions of NW Europe.
Eagle Studies, p 51-56 Download

Robitzky U (1996):
Untersuchungsergebnisse von Eiern des Seeadlers Haliaeetus albicilla aus Schleswig-Holstein
English summary: Research on Eggs of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany).
Eagle Studies, p 57-72 Download

Robitzky U (1996):
Artenhilfsprogramm für den Seeadler Haliaeetus albicilla in Schleswig-Holstein
English summary: Programme in Support of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany).
Eagle Studies, p 73-115 Download

Hauff P (1996):
Der Seeadler Haliaeetus albicilla in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Vorkommen und Entwicklung 1981-1990
English summary: The White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany): Occurence and Increase 1981 -1990.
Eagle Studies, p 117-128 Download

Köhler W (1996):
Schutz des Seeadlers Haliaeetus albicilla in der Forstwirtschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
English summary: Protection of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Forestry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany).
Eagle Studies, p 129-134 Download

Drobelis R (1996):
The White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Lithuania.
Eagle Studies, p 135-136 Download

Ivanovsky V (1996):
Current Status of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Byelorussia.
Eagle Studies, p 137-139 Download

Cherkas ND (1996):
Data on Nesting of White-tailed Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla in Polessie (Byelorussia).
Eagle Studies, p 141-142 Download

Mrlik V & Horák P (1996):
White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Southern Moravia.
Eagle Studies, p 143-145 Download

Tevely R (1996):
The Status of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Hungary.
Eagle Studies, p 147-148 Download

Schneider-Jacoby M (1996):
Brutbestand des Seeadlers Haliaeetus albicilla und des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina in den Save-Auen (Kroatien)
English summary: Breeding Population of White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetrus albicilla and Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in the alluvial wetlands of the river Save (Croatia).
Eagle Studies, p 149-163 Download

Kolisnyk J & Gorban I (1996):
The White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Ukraine.
Eagle Studies, p 165-168 Download

Gorban I & Salyga Y (1996):
Current Status of the White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Ukraine.
Eagle Studies, p 169 Download

Gorban I, Salyga Y & Khimin M (1996):
Protection of Wintering Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla in Ukraine.
Eagle Studies, p 171-172 Download

Abuladze A & Eligulashvili B (1996):
The White-tailed Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Transcaucasus.
Eagle Studies, p 173-176 Download

V. Aliskerov SV (1996):
Observations on Haliaeetus albicilla and Haliaeetus pelagicus on Lake Udil in the Far East.
Eagle Studies, p 177-179 Download

Fraser JD, Chandler SK, Buehler DA & Seegar JKD (1996):
The Decline, Recovery and Future of the Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Population of the Chesapeake Bay, USA.
Eagle Studies, p 181-187 Download

Jenkins JM (1996):
Modelling of a resident Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Population using empirical Life Table parameters.
Eagle Studies, p 189-198 Download

Bergmanis U (1996):
On the Taxonomy of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina and Greater Spotted Eagle A. clanga.
Eagle Studies, p 199-207 Download

Danko S, Meyburg BU, Bëlka T & Karaska D (1996):
Individuelle Kennzeichnung von Schreiadlern Aquila pomarina: Methoden, bisherige Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse
English summary: Marking Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina: Methods, experiences and results.
Eagle Studies, p 209-243 Download

Scheller W & Meyburg BU (1996):
Untersuchungen zur Brutbiologie und Nahrungsökologie des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina mittels ferngesteuerter Videokamera: Zur Technik und einigen Ergebnissen
English summary: A Study of the Breeding and Feeding Biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina by means of a remote control Videocamera: technique and some results .
Eagle Studies, p 245-256 Download

Haraszthy L, Bagyura HJ & Szitta T (1996):
Zum Kainismus des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina und seiner Verhinderung
English summary: Cainism in the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina and its prevention.
Eagle Studies, p 257-265 Download

Matsone L, Chichagov S, Denisov I & Denisov J (1996):
First Captive Breeding of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Riga Zoo.
Eagle Studies, p 267-272 Download

Mündt J & Uhlig R (1996):
Bemerkenswerte Brutzeit-Ansammlungen von Schreiadlern Aquila pomarina im Welsebruch (Uckermark, Brandenburg)
English summary: A Remarkable Assembly of Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina in the Welsebruch (Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany) during the Breeding Season.
Eagle Studies, p 273-281 Download

Drobelis E (1996):
On the Biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Lithuania .
Eagle Studies, p 283-284 Download

Volke V (1996):
The Status of the Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina in Estonia.
Eagle Studies, p 285-289 Download

Rodziewiez M (1996):
The Status, Range and Breeding Success of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Poland.
Eagle Studies, p 291-295 Download

Ivanovsky V (1996):
Notes on the Breeding Biology of Spotted Eagles Aquila clanga and A. pomarina in Byelorussia.
Eagle Studies, p 297-299 Download

Gorban I (1996):
Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina and A. clanga in Ukraine.
Eagle Studies, p 301-302 Download

Bokotej A (1996):
Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga breeding in Western Ukraine .
Eagle Studies, p 303 Download

Haraszthy L, Bagyura HJ & Szitta T (1996):
Zur Biologie des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina in Ungarn
English summary: On the biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Hungary.
Eagle Studies, p 305-312 Download

Uhlig R (1996):
English summary: Distribution of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Rumania.
Eagle Studies, p 313-318 Download

Kouzmanov G (1996):
L"Aigle pomarin Aquila pomarina en Bulgarie
English summary: The Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Bulgaria.
Eagle Studies, p 319-326 Download

Baumgart W (1996):
Die Bestandssituation des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina und Probleme ihrer Ermittlung in Bulgarien.
English summary: Status of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Bulgaria and Problems in its Assessment.
Eagle Studies, p 327-336 Download

Vlachos CG & Papageorgiou NK (1996):
Breeding Biology and Feeding of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Dadia Forest, North-Eastern Greece .
Eagle Studies, p 337-347 Download

Abuladze A (1996):
Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Georgia.
Eagle Studies, p 349-355 Download

Prakash V (1996):
Status, Distribution and Breeding Biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina hastata in Keoladeo National Park.
Eagle Studies, p 357-375 Download

Meyburg BU (1996):
Der Schreiadler Aquila pomarina: Bestandssituation und derzeitiger Stand seiner Erforschung.
English summary: The Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina: Population Status and Present State of Research.
Eagle Studies, p 377-387 Download

Danko S (1996):
Beringungsergebnisse am Kaiseradler Aquila heliaea im Nordwesten des Brutareals.
English summary: Results from Ringing of Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaea in the North-west of its Breeding Range.
Eagle Studies, p 389-403 Download

Mrlik V & Pavelka J (1996):
A Contribution to Knowledge of Territorial Behaviour of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaea.
Eagle Studies, p 405-414 Download

Danko S & Chavko J (1996):
Breeding of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Slovakia .
Eagle Studies, p 415-423 Download

Haraszthy L, Bagyura J, Szitta T, Petrovits Z & Viszlo L (1996):
Biology, Status and Conservation of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Hungary.
Eagle Studies, p 425-428 Download

Petrov T, Iankov P, Darakchiev A, Nikolov K, Michev T, Profirov L & Milchev B (1996):
Status of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Bulgaria in the period between 1890 and 1993.
Eagle Studies, p 429-434 Download

Vetrov V (1996):
Status of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in the Ukraine in the period between 1897 and 1993.
Eagle Studies, p 435-438 Download

Hallmann B (1996):
The Decline of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Greece.
Eagle Studies, p 439-432 Download

Abuladze A & J. Shergalin J (1996):
On the present status of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in the western part of the former Soviet Union.
Eagle Studies, p 443-446 Download

Abuladze A (1996):
Ecology of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Georgia.
Eagle Studies, p 447-457 Download

Khan A, Khan R, Ullah A, Ali M, Mahmood JA & Sheikh KM (1996):
Conservation Perspectives of the Imperial Aquila heliaca and Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis in Pakistan.
Eagle Studies, p 459-461 Download

Simok L & Mihok J (1996):
Saving the second Eaglet of a pair of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos.
Eagle Studies, p 463-467 Download

Inoue T (1996):
The first attempt at Brood Manipulation of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Japan.
Eagle Studies, p 469-473 Download

Gjershaug JO (1996):
Breeding Success and Productivity of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Central Norway, 1970-1990.
Eagle Studies, p 475-482 Download

Randla T & Tammur E (1996):
Population Trends and Breeding Success of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Estonia, 1935-1991.
Eagle Studies, p 483-487 Download

Kropil R & Milos Majda M (1996):
Causes of Low Productivity in the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in the Central West Carpathians.
Eagle Studies, p 489-494 Download

Zocchi A & Panella M (1996):
Monitoring of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Population in the Central Apennines (Italy) in 1982-1991.
Eagle Studies, p 495-503 Download

Kouzmanov G, Stoyanov G & Todorov R (1996):
Sur la biologie et la protection de l"Aigle royal Aquila chrysaetos en Bulgarie
English summary: On the Biology and Protection of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Bulgaria.
Eagle Studies, p 505-516 Download

Bahat O & Mendelssohn H (1996):
The Long-term Effect of Precipitation on the Breeding Success of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos homeyeri in the Judean and Negev Deserts, Israel.
Eagle Studies, p 517-522 Download

Real J, Mañosa S, Cheylan G, Bayle P, Cugnasse JM, Sánchez JA, Damián Carmona D Martínez JE, Rico L, Codina J, del Amo R & Eguía S (1996):
A preliminary Demographic Approach to the Bonelli"s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus Population decline in Spain and France .
Eagle Studies, p 523-528 Download

Meyburg BU, Meyburg C, Scheller W & Paillat P (1996):
Satellite Tracking of Eagles: Method, technical Progress and first personal Experiences.
Eagle Studies, p 529-549 Download

Raptor research
Raptor research